Grandpa spent some good quality time building a rocket with Corbin. You should of seen Corbin's face as it went off, pure enjoyment.
We wanted to see everyone and eat at all the places we don't have up in Alaska, so we put the two together. We met friends and family the Olive Garden where we could take in the breadsticks and catch up with the latest news.
Corbin and Brooks talked and talked all night. It was like we never left. Corbin ate 15 breadsticks. (not really, inside joke)
While Curt went fishing I took our kids to one of our favorite spots, Wheeler Farm. We used to go here all the time because we love to walk around and see the animals, and because it was free.
One day we decided to take the Front Runner, the train, down to Salt Lake to take in Temple Sqaure and the Planetarium. We ate at the Lion House and got there amazing rolls. I don't even want to know how much butter they put in them, they just taste so good. At the Planetarium we watched a 3D movie on the Hubble Telescope. Again Corbin was in awe. But with all the fun stuff we did that day, Aubrey said that riding the train was the best part.
And we couldn't leave Utah without spending some more time at Anna and Jake's house. As you see from the picture Aubrey didn't want to leave.

And even though we are on vacation, we still dyed Easter eggs. Brian had us over at his house so we could all partake in dying about 40 eggs. I think Curt had just as much fun as the kids. We didn't get a picture of his eggs, but you can just imagine how his turned out.
The Easter Bunny came to Grandma and Grandpa house. Some how he knew we were going to be there.
I think we discovered Corbin's new talent of playing the piano. Grandma taught him a couple things, we hope to maybe buy a keyboard for his birthday.
We had a blast, and as you can see we were very busy. We want to thank everyone that stopped there life to hang out with us. We also met new family and friends.
Nippy- Alisha's new dog
Megan Bingham - Jase's new wife
Piper Van Wagner

Paula- Brian's new girlfriend
Ryann Bingham - Jake and Anna's new baby girl
it was so fun to spend time with you guys. We miss you so much and love all. We will be counting down for your next visit! Love the pictures!
It was so fun to see you guys. Ellie asked if she could go and play at Aubrey's house and so I had tried to explain where you live and that it was far away.
Oh we miss you guys so much already! That week was so much fun! Can't wait until the next time! Love you guys!
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